Hooray for the Broken XBox 360!
It’s been almost two years since Guitar Hero II came out for the XBox 360. I know this because that is pretty much why I bought one. That, plus I was working at Novell at the time, and our project had just been cancelled again, so I was kinda bummed, and I needed to blow a lot of money to feel better about myself.
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The Joke that is NASCAR
The Daytona 500 took place this past weekend, at least most of it. I generally watch the Daytona 500 each year, and maybe the Talladega 500. That’s about all the NASCAR I can stand each year. This is an odd thing for someone like me who is really into racing in general.
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Popping Threadsafe Containers
After spending a bit of time last week dealing with thread safety issues and a queue in C++, it only seems appropriate to blog a bit about it. (Obviously, the information below would also apply to a stack or probably any other container type.)
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Legitimacy for the BCS
It’s popular every year to engage in the debate about the state of the BCS and how lousy a job it does, or not, in determining a national collegiate football champion. And since I’m all about being popular, I thought I ought to jump in here and add to the noise a bit. Maybe what I’ve got to say is a bit different though. And maybe not.
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We Are Jerks, or How the Confrontation Went in Alternate Reality Land
Ah, MLMs. Golden opportunities for average joes like you and me to work like crazy to make other people rich. But other than that, not much at all like a legitimate business.
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